Realm Objective C: No visible @interface for 'RLMObject' declares the selector 'createOrUpdateInRealm:withValue:' -
cannot figure out why error.
no visible @interface 'rlmobject' declares selector 'createorupdateinrealm:withvalue:'
i have included realm/realm.h header
define rlmobject in manner
class aclass = nsclassfromstring(modelname); rlmobject *m = [[aclass alloc] init];
then create nsmutabledictionary contain values want partially update on rlmobject.
nsmutabledictionary *updatevalues = [[nsmutabledictionary alloc] init];
and call createorupdateinrealm:withvalue: on m
[m createorupdateinrealm:realm withvalue:updatevalues];
but error. have no idea why happens?
should called on subclass, not on instance.
you should use this:
customobject *mycustomobject = [customobject createorupdateinrealm:realm withvalue:dictionary];
where customobject
subclass of rlmobject
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