React Native render not being triggered after Redux action is dispatched -

i'm having issue, action being dispatched, reducer being executed render function not being triggered.


import react, { component } 'react'; import { bindactioncreators } 'redux'; import { connect } 'react-redux'; import { rendervotersearch } '../actions'; import search '../components/search';  class searchcontainer extends component {     render() {        return (            <search {...this.props}/>        );     } }  const mapstatetoprops = (state) => {     return {         searchtype: state.searchtype,         instruction: state.instruction,         title: state.title     } }  const mapdispatchtoprops = (dispatch) => {     return bindactioncreators({         rendervotersearch     }, dispatch); }  export default connect(mapstatetoprops, mapdispatchtoprops)(searchcontainer); 

the action dispatched search component

export const rendervotersearch = (tab) => ({     type: render_voter_search,     searchtype: tab.type,     instruction: tab.instruction,     title: tab.title }); 


const search = (state = initialstate, action) => {     switch (action.type) {         case render_voter_search:             return {                 ...state,                 searchtype: action.searchtype,                 instruction: action.instruction,                 title: action.title             }            default:            return state     } } 

here's complete code

i've been reading 1 of reasons may state being mutated checked , didn't see mutation.

thanks in advance!

found issue! didn't know reducers inside state, if reducer called "search" in mapstatetoprops function access state should instead of state.


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