How to use concat in puppet for combining two files into same file? -

define nagios::iconf( $host_name='', $ip='', $short_alias='',$service_name='',$remote_host_name='',$port=''){ $reconfigure = "/usr/local/nagios/etc/import/${host_name}.cfg"     concat{$reconfigure:       owner => nagios,       group => nagios,       mode  => 755    }     concat::fragment{"hosttemplate":       target => $reconfigure,       source => template('nagios/host.erb'),       order  => 01,    }     concat::fragment{"servicetemplate":       target => $reconfigure,       ensure  => template("nagios/${service_name}.erb"),       order   => 15    } } include nagios 

when declare in site.pp

node "blahblahhostname"{ nagios::iconf{'name1':   host_name       => 'localhost'   remote_host_name => 'blahblah1',   ip      => '32.232.434.323',   port    => '111',   short_alias     => 'random',   service_name    => 'servicename1' }  nagios::iconf{'name2':   host_name       => 'localhost'   remote_host_name => 'blahblah1',   ip      => '32.232.434.323',   port    => '111',   short_alias     => 'random',   service_name    => 'servicename2' } include nagios } 

i duplicate declaration error. did go wrong?

problem here

concat{"/usr/local/nagios/etc/import/localhost.cfg"   owner => nagios,   group => nagios,   mode  => 755 } 

is defined twice because of host_name. when calling define type in manifest causing duplicate warnings.

you have define once, outside of define type. may in class or in manifests itself. like:

concat{"/usr/local/nagios/etc/import/localhost.cfg" ..... ..... 

and then, rest of code, i.e. concat::fragments can go inside define type.

define nagios::iconf( $host_name='', $ip='',     $short_alias='',$service_name='',$remote_host_name='',$port=''){ $reconfigure = "/usr/local/nagios/etc/import/${host_name}.cfg"    concat::fragment{"hosttemplate":       target => $reconfigure,       source => template('nagios/host.erb'),       order  => 01,    }     concat::fragment{"servicetemplate":       target => $reconfigure,       ensure  => template("nagios/${service_name}.erb"),       order   => 15    } } 


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