elixir - How to pipe Enum output to another Enum function that takes multiple arguments? -

i'm learning elixir , i'm trying this:

list = enum.with_index ~w[a n b e c r z b d]  #=> [{"a", 0}, {"n", 1}, {"b", 2}, {"e", 3}, {"c", 4}, {"r", 5}, {"z", 6}, {"b", 7},  {"d", 8}]  enum.into(list, %{})  #=> %{"a" => 0, "b" => 7, "c" => 4, "d" => 8, "e" => 3, "n" => 1, "r" => 5,   "z" => 6} 

i'd pipe... like:

enum.with_index ~w[a n b e c r z b d] |> enum.into(%{}) 


enum.with_index ~w[a n b e c r z b d] |> enum.into(&1, %{}) 

but neither of work. possible?

you missing parentheses:

enum.with_index(~w[a n b e c r z b d]) |> enum.into(%{}) 

or more idiomatically:

~w[a n b e c r z b d] |> enum.with_index() |> enum.into(%{}) 

your original version executed as:

enum.with_index(~w[a n b e c r z b d] |> enum.into(%{})) 

you can see why can't chain string.replace? detailed explanation of this.


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