javascript - VueJS: Loop through JSON-object -

i use json , loop through each items using vuejs' v-for.

i'm using array store translations of dataset. translations located in data.translations.

but happens:

this source code of template:

<!--suppress --> <template>     <div class = "uk-form-row">         <span class = "uk-form-label">{{ data.type | trans }}</span>         <div class = "uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">             <a href = "#{{ data.type }}" data-uk-modal class = "uk-placeholder uk-text-center uk-display-block uk-margin-remove">                 <p class = "uk-text-muted uk-margin-small-top">text...</p></a>         </div>     </div>     <div id = "{{ data.type }}" class = "uk-modal">         <div class = "uk-modal-dialog uk-modal-dialog-large">             <ul class = "uk-tab" v-el:tab>                 <li><a>{{ 'new translation' | trans }}</a></li>                 <li><a>{{ 'edit translations' | trans }}</a></li>              </ul>             <div class = "uk-switcher uk-margin" v-el:content>                 <div>                     <form class = "uk-form uk-form-stacked" v-validator = "formtemplates" @submit.prevent = "add | valid">                         <div class = "uk-form-row">                             <div class = "uk-form-label">                                 <select class = "uk-form-medium" id = "countrycode" name = "countrycode" v-model = "newtemplate.countrycode" v-validate:required>                                     <option v-for = "country in countries" value = "{{ $key }}" :disabled = "countrymatch($key)">                                         {{country}}                                     </option>                                 </select>                                 <p class = "uk-form-help-block uk-text-danger" v-show = "formtemplates.countrycode.invalid">                                     {{                                     'invalid value.' | trans }}</p>                             </div>                             <div class = "uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">                                 <v-editor id = "content" name = "content" :value.sync = "newtemplate.content" :options = "{markdown : 'true', height: 250}"></v-editor>                                 <p class = "uk-form-help-block uk-text-danger" v-show = "formtemplates.content.invalid">                                     {{                                     'invalid value.' | trans }}</p>                             </div>                             <div class = "uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">                                 <span class = "uk-align-right">                                         <button class = "uk-button" @click.prevent = "add | valid">                                             {{ 'add' | trans }}                                         </button>                                     </span>                             </div>                         </div>                     </form>                     {{ data.translations | json }}                 </div>                     <div class = "uk-alert" v-if = "!data.translations.length">                         {{ 'you can add first translation using input-field. go ahead!' | trans }}                     </div>                 {{data.translations | json }}                     <div class = "uk-form-row" v-for = "translation in data.translations">                         <span class = "uk-form-label">{{ translation.countrycode | trans }}</span>                         <div class = "uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">                             <v-editor id = "translation.countrycode" name = "translation.countrycode" :value.sync = "translation.content" :options = "{markdown : 'true', height: 250}"></v-editor>                         </div>                         <div class = "uk-form-controls uk-form-controls-text">                             <span class = "uk-align-right">                                 <button @click = "remove(translation)" class = "uk-button uk-button-danger">                                     <i class = "uk-icon-remove"></i>                                 </button>                             </span>                         </div>                      </div>                 </div>             <div class = "uk-form-row uk-margin-top">                 <div class = "uk-form-label">                     <button class = "uk-button uk-button-primary uk-modal-close">{{ 'save' | trans }}</button>                 </div>             </div>         </div>     </div> </template>  <script>      module.exports = {          section: {             label: 'mailing-template',             priority: 100         },          props: ['data', 'countries'],          data: function () {             return {                 newtemplate: {                     countrycode: '',                     country: ''                 }             }         },          ready: function () {    =$, {connect: this.$els.content});         },          methods: {             add: function add(e) {                  e.preventdefault();                 if (!this.newtemplate || !this.newtemplate.countrycode || !this.newtemplate.content) return;        {                     countrycode: this.newtemplate.countrycode,                     content: this.newtemplate.content                 });                  this.newtemplate = {                     countrycode: '',                     content: ''                 };             },              remove: function (template) {       $remove(template);             },              countrymatch: function (code) {                 return (template) {                             return template.countrycode == code;                         }).length > 0;             }          }     };      window.settings.components['mailing-template'] = module.exports; </script> 

this should

<div v-for="template in templates"> {{ template.countrycode }}</div> 

instead of :

<div v-for="template in data.templates"> {{ template.countrycode }}</div> 

meaning, should loop through 'templates' instead of 'data.templates'.


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