visual studio - Basic while loop c# -
i have problem work out in 2 hypothetical oppenents dueling rpg style. asked give them hp , each round of loop hp lost respectiviely oppenent has hit them for. i've got basic understanding numbers keep on repeating. working on visual studios 15. in advance!
/*fighter 1 charlie unicorn *fighter 2 nyan cat *fighter 1 has 100 hp *fighter 2 has 150 hp *fighter 1 can hit hard 15hp each turn *fighter 2 can hit hard 10hp each turn */ //who wins fight int fighteronehealth = 100; int fightertwohealth = 150; random randomizer = new random(); while (fighteronehealth > 0 || fightertwohealth > 0) { int fonerandomhit; int ftworandomhit; fonerandomhit =, 15); ftworandomhit =, 10); int fightonehploss = fighteronehealth - ftworandomhit; int fighttwohploss = fightertwohealth - fonerandomhit; console.writeline("after attack: charlie unicorn hp: {0}, nyan cat hp: {1}", fightonehploss, fighttwohploss); }
you're declaring new variables inside loop:
int fightonehploss = fighteronehealth - ftworandomhit; int fighttwohploss = fightertwohealth - fonerandomhit;
... you're never modifying variables meant represent players' current health. don't need variables @ - need reduce health:
fighteronehealth -= ftworandomhit; fightertwohealth -= fonerandomhit; console.writeline("after attack: charlie unicorn hp: {0}, nyan cat hp: {1}", fighteronehealth, fightertwohealth);
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