windows - Batch scripting failed string comparison -

debugging script below "rpmbuild.bat". note: contains bugs, not complete. command line:

rpmbuild.bat -bb --target "noarch-pc-windows 7" --buildroot d:\mypath\myapp\buildroot --define "_topdir d:\mypath\myapp" myapp.spec 

the idea take above ".bat" cmd parameters, modify them , redirect (via cygwin) unix tool same name (rpmbuild). have smth like:

bash -c "rpmbuild -bb --target ""noarch-pc-windows 7"" --buildroot /cygdrive/d/mypath/myapp/buildroot --define ""_topdir /cygdrive/d/mypath/myapp"" myapp.spec" 

for transforming paths proper way, there utility cygpath.

below source of rpmbuild.bat. fails compile on line string comparison proposed here

setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion pushd .  set param_count = 0 %%p in (%*) (     set /a param_count += 1     set params[param_count] = %%p      if param_count gtr 1 if params[param_count-1]=="--buildroot" (         rem update buildroot path cygwin path         /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('cygpath %%p') set params[param_count]=%%i     )      rem string comparison topdir     set str1 = %%p     if not x%str1:_topdir=%==x%str1% (         rem update topdir path         set topdir=%%p         set topdir=%topdir:~9,-1%         /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('cygpath "%topdir%"') set new_topdir=%%i         set params[param_count] = "_topdir %new_topdir"     )      rem string comparison .spec     if not x%str1:.spec=%==x%str1% (         rem replace path in spec-file         set old_path=%topdir:\=\\%         set new_path=%new_topdir:/=\/%          sed -s -i -e s/%old_path%\\/%new_path%\//g %%p     ) )  rem construct new rpmbuild command in cygwin  set rpmbuild_command = bash -c "rpmbuild /l %%i in (1,1,param_count) set rpmbuild_command=!rpmbuild_command! %%i set rpmbuild_command=!rpmbuild_command!"  rem execute rpmbuild %rpmbuild_command  popd endlocal 

how fix?

  1. here set "str1 "=" %%p", 2 unwanted spaces
  2. here if not x%str1:_topdir=%==x%str1% inside for code block need delayed expansion !variables!, error occures more in script.


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