merge two files based on one column Awk -
i trying merge 2 tab delimited files files - of unequal lengths. need merge files based on column number 1 , values 3rd column of each file new file. if of files missing id ( uncommon value) should blank value in new file -
file1: id1 2199 082 id2 0909 20909 id3 8002 8030 id4 28080 80828 file2: id1 988 00808 id2 808 80808 id4 8080 2525 id6 838 3800 merged file : id1 082 00808 id2 20909 80808 id3 8030 id4 80828 2525 id6 3800
i went through many forums , posts , far have this
awk -f\t 'nr==fnr{a[$1]=$1; b[$1]=$1; next} {$2=a[$1]; $3=b[$1]}1'
but not yield right result, can please suggest. lot!
$ awk -f'\t' 'nr==fnr{a[$1]=$3; next} {a[$1]; b[$1]=$3} end{for (id in a) print id,a[id],b[id]}' ofs='\t' file1 file2 | sort id1 082 00808 id2 20909 80808 id3 8030 id4 80828 2525 id6 3800
how works
this script uses 2 variables. every line in file1, associative array a
has key corresponding id , value of third field. every id in file2, a
has key (but not value). file2, array b
has key every id corresponding value third column.
this sets field separator on input tab. note
must quoted protect{a[$1]=$3; next}
this sets associative array
first file.a[$1]; b[$1]=$3
this sets associative array second file. makes sure array
has key every id in file2.end{for (id in a) print id,a[id],b[id]}
this prints out results.
this sets output field separator tab.
the awk construct
for key in array
not guaranteed return keys in particular order. usesort
sort output ascending order in id.
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