ruby on rails - How to connect two tables by using ActiveRecord? -

this question has answer here:

(sorry issue duplicated. now, deleted issue.) i'm trying ror active records association. , trying connect 2 tables, restaurants , restaurant_translations. these split multi-language support.

here's definition of 2 tables.

create_table "restaurant_translations", id: false, force: :cascade |t| t.integer  "id",             limit: 4,     default: 0,  null: false t.integer  "restaurant_id",  limit: 4 t.string   "restaurantname", limit: 255  t.string   "address",        limit: 255  t.string   "tel",            limit: 255  t.text     "description",    limit: 65535 t.string   "lang",           limit: 255,   default: "", null: false t.datetime "created_at",                                null: false t.datetime "updated_at",                                null: false end  create_table "restaurants", force: :cascade |t| t.string   "restaurant_type", limit: 255  t.string   "genre",           limit: 255  t.string   "url",             limit: 255  t.string   "fb",              limit: 255  t.string   "mailaddr",        limit: 255  t.datetime "created_at",                  null: false t.datetime "updated_at",                  null: false end 

and models.

class restaurant < activerecord::base         has_many :restaurant_translations end   class restauranttranslation < activerecord::base         self.table_name = 'restaurant_translations'         belongs_to :restaurant end 

and here's controller creates headache.

class restaurantcontroller < applicationcontroller         def list                 @restaurants = restaurant.all                 @restaurants = @restaurants.restaurant_translation.find_by(lang: "en")         end end 

so error shows this. tell me how write?

enter image description here

@pavan 's advice causes errors this.

enter image description here

btw, view this. it's .slim file.

h1 = t :restraunt_list_title  table   thead     tr       th = t :restraunt_list_type       th = t :restraunt_list_name       th = t :restraunt_list_url       th = t :restraunt_list_genre       th = t :restraunt_list_addr    tbody     - @restaurants.each |restaurant|       tr         td = restaurant.restaurant_type         td = restaurant.restaurant_translations.first.restaurantname         td = link_to 'here', restaurant.url         td = restaurant.genre         td = restaurant.restaurant_translations.first.address   br 

undefined method `restaurant_translation' restaurant::activerecord_relation:0x007f83832cb498

there 2 problems in code

first, calling .restaurant_translation should .restaurant_translations per associations.

and second, calling on activerecord_relation collection of records(i.e, @restaurants) not single instance.

i below instead achieve wanted.

class restaurantcontroller < applicationcontroller   def list     @restaurants = restaurant.includes(:restaurant_translations).where('restaurant_translations.lang = ?', "en").references(:restaurant_translations)   end end 


your restaurants table shouldn't contain restaurant_id convention.


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