ios - How to draw a proper polylines on google maps -

i have drawn polyline point point b, reason , shows linear line not correct waypoints

here's code

let path = gmsmutablepath()         path.addlatitude(3.1970044, longitude:101.7389365)         path.addlatitude(3.2058354, longitude:101.729536)         let polyline = gmspolyline(path: path)         polyline.strokewidth = 5.0         polyline.geodesic = true = mapview 

i expecting doing waypoints, shows straight polylines

enter image description here

self.googlemapsview google maps view.

example : self.getdirections("26.9211992,75.8185761", destination: "26.8472496,75.7691909", waypoints: ["26.8686811,75.7568383"], travelmode: nil, completionhandler: nil)

example: google direction link,75.8185761&destination=26.8472496,75.7691909&waypoints=optimize:true|26.8686811,75.7568383

   let baseurlgeocode = "" let baseurldirections = ""  var selectedroute: dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>!  var overviewpolyline: dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>!  var origincoordinate: cllocationcoordinate2d!  var destinationcoordinate: cllocationcoordinate2d!   func getdirections(origin: string!, destination: string!, waypoints: array<string>!, travelmode: anyobject!, completionhandler: ((status: string, success: bool) -> void)?) {     if let originlocation = origin {         if let destinationlocation = destination {             var directionsurlstring = baseurldirections + "origin=" + originlocation + "&destination=" + destinationlocation             if let routewaypoints = waypoints {                 directionsurlstring += "&waypoints=optimize:true"                  waypoint in routewaypoints {                     directionsurlstring += "|" + waypoint                 }             }             print(directionsurlstring)             directionsurlstring = directionsurlstring.stringbyaddingpercentescapesusingencoding(nsutf8stringencoding)!             let directionsurl = nsurl(string: directionsurlstring)             dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), { () -> void in                 let directionsdata = nsdata(contentsofurl: directionsurl!)                 do{                     let dictionary: dictionary<nsobject, anyobject> = try nsjsonserialization.jsonobjectwithdata(directionsdata!, options: nsjsonreadingoptions.mutablecontainers) as! dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>                      let status = dictionary["status"] as! string                      if status == "ok" {                         self.selectedroute = (dictionary["routes"] as! array<dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>>)[0]                         self.overviewpolyline = self.selectedroute["overview_polyline"] as! dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>                          let legs = self.selectedroute["legs"] as! array<dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>>                          let startlocationdictionary = legs[0]["start_location"] as! dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>                         self.origincoordinate = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(startlocationdictionary["lat"] as! double, startlocationdictionary["lng"] as! double)                          let endlocationdictionary = legs[legs.count - 1]["end_location"] as! dictionary<nsobject, anyobject>                         self.destinationcoordinate = cllocationcoordinate2dmake(endlocationdictionary["lat"] as! double, endlocationdictionary["lng"] as! double)                          let originaddress = legs[0]["start_address"] as! string                         let destinationaddress = legs[legs.count - 1]["end_address"] as! string                          let originmarker = gmsmarker(position: self.origincoordinate)                = self.googlemapsview                         originmarker.icon = gmsmarker.markerimagewithcolor(uicolor.greencolor())                         originmarker.title = originaddress                          let destinationmarker = gmsmarker(position: self.destinationcoordinate)                = self.googlemapsview                         destinationmarker.icon = gmsmarker.markerimagewithcolor(uicolor.redcolor())                         destinationmarker.title = destinationaddress                          if waypoints != nil && waypoints.count > 0 {                             waypoint in waypoints {                                 let lat: double = (waypoint.componentsseparatedbystring(",")[0] nsstring).doublevalue                                 let lng: double = (waypoint.componentsseparatedbystring(",")[1] nsstring).doublevalue                                  let marker = gmsmarker(position: cllocationcoordinate2dmake(lat, lng))                        = self.googlemapsview                                 marker.icon = gmsmarker.markerimagewithcolor(uicolor.purplecolor())                              }                         }                          let route = self.overviewpolyline["points"] as! string                          let path: gmspath = gmspath(fromencodedpath: route)!                         let routepolyline = gmspolyline(path: path)                = self.googlemapsview                     }                     else {                         print("status")                         //completionhandler(status: status, success: false)                     }                 }                 catch {                     print("catch")                     // completionhandler(status: "", success: false)                 }             })         }         else {             print("destination nil.")             //completionhandler(status: "destination nil.", success: false)         }     }     else {         print("origin nil")         //completionhandler(status: "origin nil", success: false)     } } 


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