altbeacon - Cannot Detect Alt-beacon in android -

i using radius networks altbeacon library in android app , whenever broadcast altbeacon locate app , app cant detect altbeacon .

this beacon parser :-

 mbeaconmanager.getbeaconparsers().add(new beaconparser().setbeaconlayout("m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25"));  

this android studio logcat :-

06-11 11:43:45.239 15797-16636/ d/beaconparser:ignoring pdu type 01 06-11 11:43:45.239 15797-16636/ d/beaconparser: processing pdu type ff: 02011a1aff4c0002152f234454cf6d4a0fadf2f4911ba9ffa600000000c50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 startindex: 5, endindex: 29 06-11 11:43:45.239 15797-16636/ d/beaconparser: not matching beacon advertisement. (was expecting ac.  bytes see are: 02011a1aff4c0002152f234454cf6d4a0fadf2f4911ba9ffa600000000c50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 

whenever transmit altbeacon locate app in iphone below code printed in logcat many times android app , main concern , didrangebeaconsinregion() function never called , , code in function not executed i.e android app cant detect altbeacon ( transmitting locate app in myiphone ):-

06-11 11:44:38.669 18053-18072/ d/scanrecord: parsefrombytes 06-11 11:44:38.669 18053-18072/ d/scanrecord: first manudata manu id 06-11 11:44:38.669 18053-18072/ d/bluetoothlescanner: onscanresult() - scanresult{mdevice=69:86:de:dd:64:1d, mscanrecord=scanrecord [madvertiseflags=26, mserviceuuids=null, mmanufacturerspecificdata={76=[2, 21, 47, 35, 68, 84, -49, 109, 74, 15, -83, -14, -12, -111, 27, -87, -1, -90, 0, 0, 0, 0, -59]}, mservicedata={}, mtxpowerlevel=-2147483648, mdevicename=null], mrssi=-55, mtimestampnanos=97773873478375} 

and using following dependency in android gradle :-

compile 'org.altbeacon:android-beacon-library:2.7' 

some more code :-

@override public void onbeaconserviceconnect() {        region region = new region("all-beacon-region",null,null,null);     // tells library want know beacon see.     try {         mbeaconmanager.startmonitoringbeaconsinregion(region);     } catch (remoteexception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     }     //the last line sets rangenotifier class,     //so our same rangingactivity class callbacks each time beacon seen.     mbeaconmanager.setrangenotifier(this); }  @override public void didrangebeaconsinregion(collection<beacon> collection, region region) {     for(beacon beacon : collection)     {         log.d(tag, "beacon detected id1: " + beacon.getid1() + " id2:" + beacon.getid2() + " id3: " + beacon.getid3() + " distance: " + beacon.getdistance());         ((textview)beacon_transmit_detect.this.findviewbyid("beacon detected id1: " + beacon.getid1() + " id2:" + beacon.getid2() + " id3: " + beacon.getid3() + " distance: " + beacon.getdistance());      } }    @override     protected void onresume()     {         super.onresume();         mbeaconmanager=beaconmanager.getinstanceforapplication(this.getapplicationcontext());         mbeaconmanager.getbeaconparsers().add(new beaconparser().setbeaconlayout("m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25"));  mbeaconmanager.bind(this);     } 

and main class implements beaconconsumer,rangenotifier .

here list of main beacon layouts check if layout correct one.

altbeacon "m:2-3=beac,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24,d:25-25"

eddystone tlm "x,s:0-1=feaa,m:2-2=20,d:3-3,d:4-5,d:6-7,d:8-11,d:12-15"

eddystone uid "s:0-1=feaa,m:2-2=00,p:3-3:-41,i:4-13,i:14-19"

eddystone url "s:0-1=feaa,m:2-2=10,p:3-3:-41,i:4-20v"

ibeacon "m:2-3=0215,i:4-19,i:20-21,i:22-23,p:24-24"

a reference list here.


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