vba - Sending an Outlook email with range from Excel sheet, using Macro when the Computer is locked -
i running dashboard refreshes weekly, using odbc connection. have written macro runs on auto_open. file getting opened task scheduler.
system: windows 7 sp1, outlook 2016, excel 2016
problem: when schedule task setting run whether user logged on or not, excel file opens , gets refreshed, not send out mail via outlook, nor appear in outbox. refresh happen though. when user not logged on.
the task schedule works fine when user logged on
i have tried excel vba - email not send when computer locked , did not work me.
the function using sending mail is:
dim oapp object, outapp object, outmail object dim rng range dim strbody string, strtail string strbody = "hi team," & "<br>" & _ "<a href=""https://example.com"">here</a> link cloud upload" & worksheets("core view").range("m2") & "<br><br>" strtail = "thanks," & "<br>" & _ "team." & "<br><br>" on error resume next 'only visible cells in selection 'set rng = selection.specialcells(xlcelltypevisible) set rng = sheets("core view").range("a7:k106").specialcells(xlcelltypevisible) on error goto 0 if rng nothing msgbox "the selection not range or sheet protected. " & _ vbnewline & "please correct , try again.", vbokonly end if application .enableevents = false .screenupdating = false end 'create mail set outapp = createobject("outlook.application") set outmail = outapp.createitem(0) on error resume next outmail .to = "plaknas@example.com" .cc = "" .bcc = "" if emptysheets <> "" .subject = "update has issues in " & emptysheets else .subject = "update week" & worksheets("core view").range("m2") end if .htmlbody = strbody & rangetohtml(rng) & strtail .send 'or use .display end on error goto 0 application .enableevents = true .screenupdating = true end set outmail = nothing set outapp = nothing end function
you cannot use outlook object model in script or program run task scheduler or windows service. security context quite different , code won't run intended:
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