r - ggvis and rpivottable conflict in Shiny -

i plotting ggvis plot in 1 tab , generating rpivottable in tab. if add both ui.r, unable generate pivot table.

below sample example.

app <- shinyapp(ui = fluidpage(navbarpage("v0.5",                                tabpanel("report",sidebarlayout(                                  sidebarpanel(actionbutton("bbutton","generate report")),                                  mainpanel(rpivottableoutput("mypivot"),verbatimtextoutput("mytext")))),                                tabpanel("plot",sidebarlayout(                                  sidebarpanel(actionbutton("cbutton","plot")),#mainpanel()                                  mainpanel(ggvisoutput("myplot"))                                )                                )  )),   server = function(input,output){     observe({       input$bbutton        output$mytext <- rendertext("hello there")       #mydata <- getpivottabledata()       mydata <- mtcars         output$mypivot <- renderrpivottable({         rpivottable(data = mydata)       })      })   } )  runapp(app) 

if takeout code


and insert


the pivot table generated fine.

i using following versions: ggvis_0.4.2 rpivottable_0.1.5.20

any help?


this know bug due difference in jquery version used ggvis , rpivottable. download latest version of ggvis github resolve issue. using following version rpivottable , ggivs , works. ggvis: ggvis_0.4.2.9000 rpivottable: rpivottable_0.1.5.20


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