Declaring variables creating a trigger in MySql error -

i'm having little problem creating trigger, because have declare few variables, , update operation using them. anyway, i'm gonna paste code, , error throws, , tell me i'm doing wrong. thanks.

    create trigger trg_league_info     after update on matchs     begin        declare hometotalmatchcount ,homewinmatchcount ,homedrawmatchcount ,homelossmatchcount ,homeleaguescore ,homeagainstgoal ,homeforgoal ,homeaverage int default 0;         declare awaytotalmatchcount ,awaywinmatchcount ,awaydrawmatchcount ,awaylossmatchcount ,awayleaguescore ,awayagainstgoal ,awayforgoal ,awayaverage int default 0;         declare hometeamid ,awayteamid ,homescore ,awayscore ,seasonid ,status int default 0;         select @hometeamid=homeid, @awayteamid=awayid , @homescore=homescore , @awayscore=awayscore ,@seasonid=seasonid , @status=status inserted;         if (@status == 2)           select @hometotalmatchcount=leaguetotalmatchcount , @homewinmatchcount=leaguewincount , @homedrawmatchcount=leaguedrawcount , @homelossmatchcount=leaguelosscount  , @homeagainstgoal=leagueagaintsgoalcount , @homeforgoal=leagueforgoalcount , @homeaverage=    leagueavarage , @homeleaguescore = leaguescore team_info teamid == @hometeamid , seasonid==@seasonid;           select @awaytotalmatchcount=leaguetotalmatchcount , @awaywinmatchcount=leaguewincount , @awaydrawmatchcount=leaguedrawcount , @awaylossmatchcount=leaguelosscount  , @awayagainstgoal=leagueagaintsgoalcount , @awayforgoal=leagueforgoalcount , @awayaverage=    leagueavarage , @awayleaguescore = leaguescore team_info teamid == @awayteamid , seasonid==@seasonid;            if (@homescore>@awayscore)              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@hometotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguewincount=@homewinmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@homeagainstgoal+@awayscore , leagueforgoalcount=@homeforgoal+@homescore, leaguescore=@homeleaguescore+3 teamid == @hometeamid , seasonid==@seasonid;              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@awaytotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguelosscount=@awaylossmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@awayagainstgoal+@homescore , leagueforgoalcount=@awayforgoal+@awayscore, leaguescore=@awayleaguescore+1 teamid == @awayteamid , seasonid==@seasonid;           elseif (@homescore==@awayscore)              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@hometotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguedrawcount=@homedrawmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@homeagainstgoal+@awayscore , leagueforgoalcount=@homeforgoal+@homescore, leaguescore=@homeleaguescore+2 teamid == @hometeamid , seasonid==@seasonid;              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@awaytotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguedrawcount=@awaydrawmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@awayagainstgoal+@homescore , leagueforgoalcount=@awayforgoal+@awayscore, leaguescore=@awayleaguescore+2 teamid == @awayteamid , seasonid==@seasonid;           else              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@hometotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguelosscount=@homelossmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@homeagainstgoal+@awayscore , leagueforgoalcount=@homeforgoal+@homescore, leaguescore=@homeleaguescore+1 teamid == @hometeamid , seasonid==@seasonid;              update team_info set leaguetotalmatchcount=@awaytotalmatchcount+1 ,leaguewincount=@awaywinmatchcount+1, leagueagaintsgoalcount=@awayagainstgoal+@homescore , leagueforgoalcount=@awayforgoal+@awayscore, leaguescore=@awayleaguescore+3 teamid == @awayteamid , seasonid==@seasonid;           end if;            end if;       end 

it throws following error:

1064 - have error in sql syntax; check manual corresponds mariadb server version right syntax use near 'begin declare hometotalmatchcount ,homewinmatchcount ,homedrawmatchcount ,h' @ line 3

last time wrote trigger did in mssql server , syntax little different. maybe i'm going need create procedure , call instead. if can help, i'd appreciate it.

you using wrong syntax trigger. check manual, must add for each row construction. this:

create trigger trg_league_info after update on matchs each row begin ... end; 

also, note declaring variables, not using them. hometotalmatchcount , @hometotalmatchcount different variables in mysql. hometotalmatchcount variable local trigger , can accessed inside it. variables prefixed @ user variables, stored in session , can accessed everywhere inside current connection. persist after trigger executed. must either remove declarations , use user variables or remove @ variable names , use local declared variables.


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