angular - Karma Coverage not finding files (angular2 / typescript) -

i working on getting app set using angular 2 w/ typescript , i'm having issues getting karma coverage find files want inspect. i've set on angular 1.x application there seems layer i'm missing typescript.

everything runs fine, see of unit tests being checked karma expected , coverage says okay , code has 100% coverage, threw red flag. after checking html output coverage saw have 100% coverage because no files being checked.

looking @ output in terminal see of files have selected pattern: './src/**/*.js' being excluded, means finding .ts files , not compiling them js.

i see message in terminal above coverage output says "not files specified in sources found, continue partial remapping."

i had added typescriptpreprocesser thinking convert ts files js files during testing coverage tool parse them, nothing i've done far working.

here's karam.conf.js file in it's entirety:

var path = require('path');  var webpackconfig = require('./webpack.config');  module.exports = function (config) {   var _config = {      // base path used resolve patterns (eg. files, exclude)     basepath: '',      // frameworks use     // available frameworks:     frameworks: ['jasmine'],      // list of files / patterns load in browser     files: [       {         pattern: './karma-shim.js',         watched: false       },       {         pattern: './src/**/*.js',         included: true       }     ],      // list of files exclude     exclude: [       './src/e2e/*'     ],      // preprocess matching files before serving them browser     // available preprocessors:     preprocessors: {       './karma-shim.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap'],       './src/**/*.ts': ['typescript'],       './src/**/*.js': ['coverage']     },      typescriptpreprocessor: {       // options passed typescript compiler       options: {         sourcemap: false, // (optional) generates corresponding .map file.         target: 'es5', // (optional) specify ecmascript target version: 'es3' (default), or 'es5'         module: 'amd', // (optional) specify module code generation: 'commonjs' or 'amd'         noimplicitany: true, // (optional) warn on expressions , declarations implied 'any' type.         noresolve: true, // (optional) skip resolution , preprocessing.         removecomments: true, // (optional) not emit comments output.         concatenateoutput: false // (optional) concatenate , emit output single file. default true if module option omited, otherwise false.       },       // transforming filenames       transformpath: function(path) {         return path.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js');       }     },      webpack: webpackconfig,      webpackmiddleware: {       // webpack-dev-middleware configuration       // i. e.       stats: 'errors-only'     },      coveragereporter: {       dir: 'coverage/',       reporters: [{         type: 'html',         dir: 'coverage'       }]     },      remapistanbulreporter: {       src: 'coverage/json/coverage-final.json',       reports: {         lcovonly: 'coverage/json/',         html: 'coverage/html',         'text': null       },       timeoutnotcreated: 1000, // default value       timeoutnomorefiles: 1000 // default value     },      webpackserver: {       noinfo: true // please don't spam console when running in karma!     },      // test results reporter use     // possible values: 'dots', 'progress', 'mocha'     // available reporters:     reporters: ["mocha", "coverage", "karma-remap-istanbul"],      // web server port     port: 9876,      // enable / disable colors in output (reporters , logs)     colors: true,      // level of logging     // possible values: config.log_disable || config.log_error || config.log_warn || config.log_info || config.log_debug     loglevel: config.log_info,      // enable / disable watching file , executing tests whenever file changes     autowatch: false,      // start these browsers     // available browser launchers:     browsers: ['chrome'], // can use chrome      // continuous integration mode     // if true, karma captures browsers, runs tests , exits     singlerun: true   };    config.set(_config);  }; 

my terminal output incase helps:

> karma start   start: 10 06 2016 16:32:20.696:warn [watcher]: files matched "/users/efarl1/desktop/repos/cmg-prod/src/**/*.js" excluded. webpack: wait until bundle finished:  ts-loader: using typescript@1.8.10 , /users/efarl1/desktop/repos/cmg-prod/tsconfig.json  webpack: bundle valid. 10 06 2016 16:32:35.364:info [karma]: karma v0.13.22 server started @ http://localhost:9876/ 10 06 2016 16:32:35.367:info [launcher]: starting browser chrome 10 06 2016 16:32:36.132:info [chrome 51.0.2704 (mac os x 10.11.5)]: connected on socket /#asaknul4k3m9g7wlaaaa id 96149396   appcomponent     ✔ should log ngoninit log: 'three.webglrenderer', '73' log: 'three.webglrenderer', '73'   productviewportcomponent     ✔ productviewportcomponent should have h1 `productviewport component` in   productcameraservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   productclickedobjectservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   productcontrolsservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   producteventsservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   productrendererservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   productservice     ✔ should log ngoninit   windowservice     ✔ should log ngoninit  finished in 0.295 secs / 0.241 secs  summary: ✔ 9 tests completed not files specified in sources found, continue partial remapping. ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| file      |  % stmts | % branch |  % funcs |  % lines |uncovered lines | ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| files |      100 |      100 |      100 |      100 |                | ----------|----------|----------|----------|----------|----------------| 

any thoughts on i'm doing wrong here?


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