javascript - How to use ng-repeat to show all the values coming from the API in which I need to show only one key value from all the objects? -

through api having 2 or more objects. in objects there different. different key values id, name, account etc. need show ids of objects, in select box.

i using ng-repeat in html:

<select ng-model="selectedid" class="form-control">    <option ng-repeat="id in editidoptionsdata" value="{{id}}">{{id}}</option>  </select> 

and response doing :

deal.getiddata($scope.accountdetail.accountusers[0].role, $ .then(function successcb(data){    $scope.editidoptionsdata=data;  });  

but in select box getting objects. can tell me how fetch id object in 1 value selected default?

what think you're doing setting whole object option

<select ng-model="selectedid" class="form-control">    <option ng-repeat="id in editidoptionsdata" value="{{id}}">{{id}}</option>  </select> 

the 'id' in code 1 whole object. should is:

<option ng-repeat="id in editidoptionsdata" value="{{}}">{{}}</option> 

or readability

<option ng-repeat="element in editidoptionsdata" value="{{}}">{{}}</option> 

edit 1: if want select 1 of option based on condition can use ngselected directive:

ng-selected="<your condition>" 

in example (if understand correctly need)

<select ng-model="selectedid" class="form-control">    <option ng-selected="selectedid ==" ng-repeat="id in editidoptionsdata" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>  </select> 

if that's not looking have more specific in questions.


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