html5 - passing information of an item selected in a select tag to a table with mvc 4 -

this part of view:

1- select tag content

<select name="select1" id="select1" class="nostyle" style="width: 100%;">  <option></option>   @{     foreach (var item in model)    {                                                <option value=""> @html.actionlink(item.title, "getvalindicateurs", new { idindicateur = @item.id_indicateur })</option>                                      }                                 }                             </select> 

2-i can select item, problem need show parameters of item in following table:

<tbody role="alert" aria-live="polite" aria-relevant="all">                                  @if (session["listvaleur"] != null)                                 {                                     foreach (sire_portail.models.valeurs_indcateur item in (list<sire_portail.models.valeurs_indcateur>)session["listvaleur"])                                     {                                          <tr class="gradea odd">                            <td class=""></td>                            <td class=""></td>                            <td class=""></td>                                         </tr>                                      }                                 }                                 </tbody> 

can !! thank you.


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