typescript - Angular2 setup with JSPM -

i'm try setup basic "hello-world" app test using jspm, going fine until try install reflect-metadata package(i recognized excluding packages installation string)

jspm install angular2 reflect-metadata zone.js es6-shim 

this command gives me next error: typeerror: tomap.startswith not function


system.config({   baseurl: "/lessons/angular2/test/",   defaultjsextensions: true,   transpiler: "typescript",   typescriptoptions: {     "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json"   },   paths: {     "github:*": "jspm_packages/github/*",     "npm:*": "jspm_packages/npm/*"   },    packages: {     "app": {       "defaultextension": "ts"     }   }    ...maps goes here     }); 


{   "name": "test",   "version": "1.0.0",   "description": "",   "main": "",   "scripts": {     "test": "echo \"error: no test specified\" && exit 1"   },   "author": "",   "license": "isc",   "jspm": {     "configfile": "jspm.config.js",     "dependencies": {       "angular2": "npm:angular2@^2.0.0-beta.17",       "es6-shim": "github:es-shims/es6-shim@^0.35.1",       "zone.js": "npm:zone.js@^0.6.12"     },     "devdependencies": {       "typescript": "npm:typescript@^1.6.2"     }   },   "dependencies": {     "typescript": "^1.8.10"   } } 


{   "compileroptions": {     "emitdecoratormetadata": true,     "experimentaldecorators": true,     "noimplicitany": false,     "module": "system",     "moduleresolution": "node",     "target": "es5",     "sourcemap": false   },   "exclude": [     "jspm_packages",     "node_modules"   ],   "compileonsave": false } 

any ideas?

p.s. googling don't give anything.


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