c# - how to use unity3d webgl content in a asp.net mvc view? -

i have unity webgl project , asp.net mvc project.

i need show webgl content in view.

the first thing came mind copy content of index.html unity gave me , paste in .cshtml file , change addresses. when incorrect header error pops up.

am doing thing wrong or wrong. should change method entirely?

i added these file extensions web.config

<staticcontent>   <!-- unity 5.x -->   <remove fileextension=".mem" />   <mimemap fileextension=".mem" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />   <remove fileextension=".data" />   <mimemap fileextension=".data" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />   <remove fileextension=".memgz" />   <mimemap fileextension=".memgz" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />   <remove fileextension=".datagz" />   <mimemap fileextension=".datagz" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />   <remove fileextension=".unity3dgz" />   <mimemap fileextension=".unity3dgz" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />   <remove fileextension=".jsgz" />   <mimemap fileextension=".jsgz" mimetype="application/x-javascript; charset=utf-8" /> </staticcontent> 

basically.you copy file references view , of course canvas container code initialises it.

add css style file


and js file


so you`ll have similar this

@{     viewbag.title = "stage";     @styles.render("~/webgl/templatedata/style.css")     @scripts.render("~/webgl/templatedata/unityprogress.js");     @scripts.render("~/webgl/build/unityloader.js"); }  <h2>stage</h2>  <script>     var gameinstance = unityloader.instantiate("gamecontainer", "../webgl/build/builds.json", {onprogress: unityprogress}); </script>  <div class="webgl-content">     <div id="gamecontainer" style="width: 960px; height: 600px"></div>     <div class="footer">         <div class="webgl-logo"></div>         <div class="fullscreen" onclick="gameinstance.setfullscreen(1)"></div>         <div class="title">figurines</div>     </div> </div> 

don`t forget add unityweb mime type web.config

<system.webserver>     <staticcontent>       <remove fileextension=".unityweb" />       <mimemap fileextension=".unityweb" mimetype="application/octet-stream" />     </staticcontent>  </system.webserver> 


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