unit testing - JUnit Mockito mock one method in another class Error -

i use netbeans 8.1 , junit , mockito write unit test project. here pieces of code

to tested function:

public map<string, string> getallusers() {      if (allusers == null) {         if (session.checkacl2("donatebookprivilegelevel") || session.checkacl2("manageuserprivilegelevel")) {             iterator<user> = userfc.findall().iterator();             system.out.println("pc::enum()");             allusers  = new hashmap<string, string>();             while (it.hasnext()) {                 user item = it.next();                 allusers.put(item.getname(), item.getuserid().tostring());             }         }     }     return allusers; } 

my test class:

package com.controller;  import com.entities.user; import com.jsfc.util.jsfutil; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list; import java.util.map; import javax.faces.event.actionevent; import org.junit.after; import org.junit.afterclass; import org.junit.before; import org.junit.beforeclass; import org.junit.test; import static org.junit.assert.*; import org.junit.runner.runwith; import static org.mockito.matchers.any; import static org.mockito.matchers.anyint; import static org.mockito.matchers.anyobject; import static org.mockito.matchers.anystring; import org.mockito.mock; import org.mockito.mockito; import static org.mockito.mockito.doreturn; import static org.mockito.mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.mockito.spy; import static org.mockito.mockito.when; import org.mockito.mockitoannotations; import org.mockito.runners.mockitojunitrunner;   @runwith(mockitojunitrunner.class) public class personalcentercontrollertest {      public personalcentercontrollertest() {     }      @beforeclass     public static void setupclass() {      }      @afterclass     public static void teardownclass() {     }      @before     public void setup() {          mockitoannotations.initmocks(this);     }      @after     public void teardown() {     }        /**      * test of getallusers method, of class personalcentercontroller.      */     @test     public void testgetallusers() {         system.out.println("getallusers");          personalcentercontroller pccontroller = new personalcentercontroller();          sessioncontroller session = mockito.mock(sessioncontroller.class);          when(session.checkacl2(anystring())).thenreturn(true).thenreturn(true);          map<string,string> usermap = null;         usermap = pccontroller.getallusers();      }  } 

as can see, call session.checkacl2() defined in class, use using mockito mock class method inside class fix

sessioncontroller session = mockito.mock(sessioncontroller.class); doreturn(true).when(session).checkacl2((string) anyobject()); 

but calls nullpointerexception @ if line.

are passing mocked sessioncontroller instance personalcentercontroller instance? if try calling sessioncontroller methods right after mocking return expected?

sessioncontroller session = mockito.mock(sessioncontroller.class); when(session.checkacl2(anystring())).thenreturn(true).thenreturn(true); asserttrue(session.checkacl2("donatebookprivilegelevel")); asserttrue(session.checkacl2("manageuserprivilegelevel"); 

as see nullpointerexception here session instance either being null or returning null, being converted boolean. first step figure out it.


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