Making cells bold in a table using python-docx -

the code snippet below creates table required number of rows , columns in new word document i.e 2 columns , 14 rows. adds content rows , columns accordingly.

from docx import document newdoc=document() newdoc.add_heading ('gis request form') newdoc.add_paragraph()  #inserting table , header , value objects table  table=newdoc.add_table(rows=14,cols=2)'table grid'  table.autofit=false  table.columns[0].width=2500000  table.columns[1].width=3500000   #inserting contents table cells  in range(0,14):    row=table.rows[i]    row.cells[0].text=reqdheaderlist[i]    row.cells[1].text=reqdvaluelist[i] 

i have been trying make contents of in column 1 bold, not working.

  #inserting contents table cells    in range(0,14):      row=table.rows[i]      row.cells[0].text=reqdheaderlist[i]      row.cells[0].paragraphs[0].add_run(line[0]).bold=true      row.cells[1].text=reqdvaluelist[i] 


you can achieve using following loop:

bolding_columns = [0]     row in list(range(14)):         column in bolding_columns:             table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs[0].runs[0].font.bold = true 


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