How can I automatically login to a website using vbscript? -

on error resume next:

const page_loaded = 4  set objie = createobject("internetexplorer.application") call objie.navigate("")  objie.visible = true  until objie.readystate = page_loaded : call wscript.sleep(100) : loop  objie.document.all.username.value = "ashishgi" objie.document.all.password.value = "apac2015#"  if err.number <> 0     msgbox "error: " & err.description end if  call objie.document.all.gaia_loginform.submit  set objie = nothing 

the gaia_loginform "form id" of gmail. have here:

now think should form name/id of site (by viewing source) script can hit login button.


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