ios - UIscrollview delegation -
i trying pass data between 2 view controllers in uiscrollview
. trying use delegation send data between viewcontroller1
, viewcontroller2
. delegate viewcontroller
, while delegator viewcontroller1
, viewcontroller2
in code posted below, when switch in viewcontroller1
toggled, makes switch in viewcontroller2
put "off" state. keep on getting
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping optional value
error when run it, have no clue causing problem. ideas why?
below viewcontroller
contains uiscrollview
, subviews/childviews
import uikit class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, testing { var vc1 = viewcontroller1(nibname: "viewcontroller1", bundle: nil) var vc2 = viewcontroller2(nibname: "viewcontroller2", bundle: nil) @iboutlet weak var scrollview: uiscrollview! func test1() { vc2.switch2.on = false } override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() self.addchildviewcontroller(vc1) self.scrollview.addsubview(vc1.view) vc1.didmovetoparentviewcontroller(self) var frame1 = vc2.view.frame frame1.origin.x = self.view.frame.size.width vc2.view.frame = frame1 self.addchildviewcontroller(vc2) self.scrollview.addsubview(vc2.view) vc2.didmovetoparentviewcontroller(self) self.scrollview.contentsize = cgsizemake(self.view.frame.size.width * 2, self.view.frame.size.height); } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.didreceivememorywarning() // dispose of resources can recreated. }
here viewcontoller1 code
protocol testing{ func test1() } class viewcontroller1: uiviewcontroller { var delegate:testing? @iboutlet weak var switch1: uiswitch! override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() let vc = viewcontroller() self.delegate = vc // additional setup after loading view. } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.didreceivememorywarning() // dispose of resources can recreated. } @ibaction func switch1toggled(sender: anyobject) { delegate?.test1() } /* // mark: - navigation // in storyboard-based application, want little preparation before navigation override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) { // new view controller using segue.destinationviewcontroller. // pass selected object new view controller. } */ }
and here viewcontroller 2 code
import uikit class viewcontroller2: uiviewcontroller { @iboutlet weak var switch2: uiswitch! override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() // additional setup after loading view. } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.didreceivememorywarning() // dispose of resources can recreated. } @ibaction func switch2toggled(sender: anyobject) { } /* // mark: - navigation // in storyboard-based application, want little preparation before navigation override func prepareforsegue(segue: uistoryboardsegue, sender: anyobject?) { // new view controller using segue.destinationviewcontroller. // pass selected object new view controller. } */
sorry long post, have been stuck week on how change state of switch toggling switch in class, , efficient way found
try this:
class viewcontroller1: uiviewcontroller { let defaults = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults() let switch1key = "view1switch" override func viewwillappear(animated: bool) { view1switch.on = defaults.boolforkey(switch1key) } @iboutlet weak var view1switch: uiswitch! @ibaction func view1switchchanged(sender: uiswitch) { defaults.setbool(view1switch.on, forkey: switch1key) } }
class viewcontroller2: uiviewcontroller { let defaults = nsuserdefaults.standarduserdefaults() let switch1key = "view1switch" override func viewwillappear(animated: bool) { view2switch.on = defaults.boolforkey(switch1key) } @iboutlet weak var view2switch: uiswitch! @ibaction func view2switchchanged(sender: uiswitch) { defaults.setbool(view2switch.on, forkey: switch1key) } }
this method syncs state of 2 uiswitches using viewwillappear
, nsuserdefaults
. basic thought pattern save state of switch nsuserdefaults
when either viewcontroller1 or viewcontroller2 instantiated view1switch or view2switch outlet's .on
property set saved value.
the first value switch when viewcontroller1 instantiated (in first app run) off because boolforkey returns false when there no saved value. can hacked using
view1switch.on = true
directly afterview1switch.on = defaults.boolforkey(switch1key)
this method makes switches have same value. in order make them have different values, can use ! operator in viewcontroller2
view2switch.on = !defaults.boolforkey(switch1key)
. way switch 1 opposite of switch 2.
i recommend method on delegation because, while delegation powerful, power doesn't seem needed here. if have questions please ask! :d
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