sql - parent-child data alignment -
i have stored procedure presents inventory data , standard format , not consider parent-child relationship. current view of data along many other columns:
i'm trying bring parent/child relationship in report. i've modified queries bring in parent/child data in. data needs presented in specific way. pic below:
basically, need list each parent first followed child records. find these records child display on parent row.
the min of child "1st receipt date", max of child "last receipt date", sum of child "on hand" sum of child "sales unit" mths supply calculated total on hand , sales units
i have no clue how arrange data in manner. appreciate direction.
thanks in advance.
-- section stage sample data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare @inv table (sku int,firstreceiptdate date,lastreceiptdate date,onhand int,salesunits int) insert @inv (sku,firstreceiptdate,lastreceiptdate,onhand,salesunits) values (456,'2014-03-15','2014-12-14',0,15), (789,'2014-05-30','2014-12-15',10,35), (321,'2014-07-31','2016-03-16',112,60) declare @hier table (sku int,ptsku int,ps int,title varchar(50)) insert @hier (sku,ptsku,ps,title) values (123,0,0,'sku tile 123'), (456,123,10,'some other title sku 456'), (789,123,20,'this title title sku 786'), (321,123,30,'finally tile 321') -- section builds hierarchy range keys hierarchies can variable depth -- hierarchies pretty static rebuilt needed -- real power using range key. can aggregate data without -- recursive query. -- should not added presentation sequence (ps) , title hierarcy -- ps used control presentation order. can alphabetical -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;with cteoh (sku,ptsku,lvl,ps,sortseq) ( select sku,ptsku,lvl=1,ps,cast([dbo].[udf-str-padl](ps,0,6) +':' +[dbo].[udf-str-padl](sku,0,6) + '/' varchar(500)) @hier ptsku=0 union select h.sku,h.ptsku,cteoh.lvl+1,h.ps,sortseq=cast(cteoh.sortseq + [dbo].[udf-str-padl](h.ps,0,6) +':' +[dbo].[udf-str-padl](h.sku,0,6) + '/' varchar(500)) @hier h inner join cteoh on h.ptsku = cteoh.sku ) ,cter1 (select sku,sortseq,r1=row_number() on (order sortseq) cteoh) ,cter2 (select a.sku,r2 = max(b.r1) cteoh join cter1 b on (b.sortseq a.sortseq+'%') group a.sku) select b.r1 ,c.r2 ,a.lvl ,a.sku ,a.ptsku ,a.ps ,t.title #tempoh cteoh join cter1 b on (a.sku=b.sku) join cter2 c on (a.sku=c.sku) join @hier t on (a.sku=t.sku) order b.r1 -- section illustrates how aggregate data via range keys -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- select a.* ,firstreceiptdate = min(b.firstreceiptdate) ,lastreceiptdate = max(b.lastreceiptdate) ,onhand = sum(b.onhand) ,salesunits = sum(b.salesunits) ,monthssupply = cast(sum(b.onhand*12.)/sum(b.salesunits) money) ,familyfirstreceiptdate = first_value(min(b.firstreceiptdate)) on (order a.r1) ,familylastreceiptdate = first_value(max(b.lastreceiptdate)) on (order a.r1) ,familyonhand = first_value(sum(b.onhand)) on (order a.r1) ,familysalesunits = first_value(sum(b.salesunits)) on (order a.r1) ,familymonthssupply = first_value(cast(sum(b.onhand*12.)/sum(b.salesunits) money)) on (order a.r1) #tempoh join (select _r1=b.r1,a.* @inv join #tempoh b on a.sku=b.sku) b on _r1 between a.r1 , a.r2 group a.r1,a.r2,a.lvl,a.sku,a.ptsku,a.ps,a.title order a.r1
r1 r2 lvl sku ptsku ps title firstreceiptdate lastreceiptdate onhand salesunits monthssupply familyfirstreceiptdate familylastreceiptdate familyonhand familysalesunits familymonthssupply -------------------- -------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------- ----------- ----------- --------------------- ---------------------- --------------------- ------------ ---------------- --------------------- 1 4 1 123 0 0 sku tile 123 2014-03-15 2016-03-16 122 110 13.3091 2014-03-15 2016-03-16 122 110 13.3091 2 2 2 456 123 10 other title sku 456 2014-03-15 2014-12-14 0 15 0.00 2014-03-15 2016-03-16 122 110 13.3091 3 3 2 789 123 20 title title sku 786 2014-05-30 2014-12-15 10 35 3.4286 2014-03-15 2016-03-16 122 110 13.3091 4 4 2 321 123 30 tile 321 2014-07-31 2016-03-16 112 60 22.40 2014-03-15 2016-03-16 122 110 13.3091
required function
create function [dbo].[udf-str-padl] (@value varchar(50),@pad varchar(10) = '0',@len int = 10) -- syntax : select [dbo].[udf-str-padl](25,0,10) -- syntax : select [dbo].[udf-str-padl](25,'-',6) returns varchar(50) begin return right(concat(replicate(@pad,@len),@value),@len) end
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