How to get value from other table and insert the value to new table using php and oracle -

this coding. value id "add basket" button. select form artwork values artwork want insert table sales. insert not function.

<?php     include("dbconn.php");     $artid =$_get['id'];     $temp=oci_parse($conn, "select * artwork artw_id = '$artid'");     oci_execute ($temp);   $p = oci_fetch_assoc($temp);     $ids = $_post['artw_id'];     $title = $_post['artw_title'];     $yy = $_post['artw_year'];   $price = $_post['artw_price'];     $sql = oci_parse($conn, "insert sale values ('".$ids."', '".$title."', '".$yy."', '".$price."')");     header("location: checkout.php");     exit();  ?> 


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