Angular 2 subscribe not executing -
i'm trying subscribe observer can't work. subscribe method never activated reason, notifyaboutchange
runs , correct id passed after calling next
subscribe method doesn't seem pick on being called.
the service contains observer:
import {injectable} '@angular/core'; import {subject} 'rxjs/subject'; @injectable() export class apiservice { public notifier = new subject(); public changeoccurrence$ = this.notifier.asobservable(); constructor() {} notifyaboutchange(id: string) {; } }
directive calls notifyaboutchange
constructor(private _elementref: elementref, private _renderer: renderer, private _api: apiservice) { this.eventhandler = _renderer.listen(_elementref.nativeelement, ('ontouchstart' in window ? 'touchend' : 'click'), (e) => { this.isallchecked = !this.isallchecked; (let checkbox of this.checkboxes) { if (!checkbox.isdisabled) { checkbox.ischecked = this.isallchecked; } } _api.notifyaboutchange(this.componentid); }); }
component should subscribe:
export class formcheckboxmultiplecomponent implements oninit, docheck { @input() model: array<any>; @input() checkboxes: array<any>; @output('modelchange') onmodelchange: eventemitter<any> = new eventemitter(); @output() callback: eventemitter<any> = new eventemitter(); constructor(private _globals: globalvariablesservice, private _differs: iterablediffers, private _api: apiservice) { this.ns = _globals.ns; this.differ = _differs.find([]).create(null); _api.changeoccurrence$.subscribe( componentid => { console.log(componentid); if (this.componentid === componentid) { (let checkbox of this.checkboxes) { let existingindex = this.findindex(checkbox, this.model); if (existingindex === -1) { this.model.push(checkbox); } else { this.model.splice(existingindex, 1); } } } } ) } .... excluded parts .... }
i think because don't share same instance of service. define corresponding provider when bootstrapping application:
bootstrap(appcomponent, [ apiservice ]);
don't forget remove service providers
attribute of components / directives.
note can restrict scope of service if necessary. example defining in component contains / uses both component , directive.
see plunkr:
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