python - Deleted rows from reflected table with SQLAlchemy -

i have table i'm trying delete data from. have been using session() object query data, , works fine. when go delete list of data, fails.

# load engine , reflect. engine = create_engine("...") metadata = metadata() session = sessionmaker(autoflush=true, autocommit=true) session.configure(bind=engine) session = session() metadata.reflect(bind=engine)  # queries work. table = table("some_table", metadata, autoload_with=engine) session.query(table).filter(table.c.column.between(dobj1,dobj2)).all()  # deletes not. session.query(table).filter(table.c.column.in_([1,2,3,4,5])).delete() 

when try delete bunch of rows, this:

file "/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 1180, in _do_pre_synchronize     target_cls = query._mapper_zero().class_ attributeerror: 'table' object has no attribute 'class_' 

i tried this question's method, gives me error:

file "/virtualenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/", line 385, in execute     raise exc.unboundexecutionerror(msg) sqlalchemy.exc.unboundexecutionerror: none not directly bound connection or engine.use .execute() method of connection or engine execute construct. 

i tried map declarative base automap_base(), got different errors.

how can delete rows table loaded in session have established?

the query interface part of sqlalchemy orm, , table isn't mapped class.

the answer linked uses bound metadata (discouraged in modern sqlalchemy). following should work:

stmt = table.delete().where(table.c.column.in_([1,2,3,4,5]))  engine.connect() conn:     conn.execute(stmt) 


i realised can this:

session.query(table).filter(table.c.column.in_([1,2,3,4,5])) \     .delete(synchronize_session=false) 


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