wix - Programmatically disable Windows online search for device drivers for one install -

i need find way programmatically prevent windows searching web new driver usb device when plugged in after have installed correct device driver it.

i acknowledge question has been asked , answered before. answer accepted in case has reconfiguring machine’s group policy settings. modern, ms-official version of accepted answer can found here. not solve problem. don’t want reconfigure customer machines, if let us, not.

i thought might have found answer on a related ms page modifying devicepath registry key. indicates windows search additional folder (that specify) device driver before going out web if can change registry key. read note-of-doom:

if enabled, windows update driver search performed after devicepath search, , occurs if matching driver package found in devicepath specified folder. after enabled searches completed, windows ranks each package determine best match device.

in other words, appears win7 assumes know best though not case.

on other hand, of references several years old. has microsoft since given way , not finding it?

some background specifics don’t think matter in case think do:

i have client web application works pair of specialized usb devices (one card scanner, other label printer). each device comes own installer , we’ve created wix bundled installer wraps installers single download , runs each in turn. users instructed not plug in either device until after downloaded installer runs. but, when user waits, first time plug in devices, windows heads out web, searches newer/better device drivers, and, 1 of devices, download , install wrong driver , render device useless.


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