php - Echo price of product in virtuemart cart -

i use joomla 2.5 , virtuemart 2. tried echo script built php. inside cart file inside foreach function goes through each product need save variable product id, quantity , sales price.

i can show product id , quantity this:

$wantedproductid = $product->virtuemart_product_id; $wantedproductquantity = $product->quantity; 

but have problem price. echoed $this , this:

virtuemartcart object (     [products] => array         (             [812] => stdclass object                 (                     [virtuemart_manufacturer_id] => 11                     [slug] => hill-s-puppy-healthy-development-large-breed-koutavia-anaptyksi-kotopoulo-11kg                     [published] => 1  ... ...     [pricesunformatted] => array         (             [baseprice] => 70.6             [basepricewithtax] => 0             [discountedpricewithouttax] => 60.31             [salesprice] => 60.31             [taxamount] => 0             [salespricewithdiscount] => 60.31             [discountamount] => 57.4             [pricewithouttax] => 70.6             [subtotalproducts] => 0             [2diff] => -9.585             [812] => array                 (                     [costprice] => 63.90000                     [baseprice] => 63.9                     [basepricevariant] => 63.9                     [basepricewithtax] => 0                     [discountedpricewithouttax] => 54.32                     [pricebeforetax] => 63.9                     [salesprice] => 54.32                     [taxamount] => 0                     [salespricewithdiscount] => 54.32                     [salespricetemp] => 54.32                     [unitprice] => 0                     [discountamount] => 14.99                     [pricewithouttax] => 63.9                     [variantmodification] => 0                    ... ... 

what need example value: [salesprice] => 54.32

how can save [salesprice] in value?

this should trick:

echo $this->pricesunformatted['salesprice'] 


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