java - Can we catch an exception without catch block? -

suppose have try-finally block without catch block, throw exception inside try block. able catch exception?

public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception{     try {         throw new ioexception("something went wrong");     } finally{     } } 

yes, possible.

you can use uncaught exception handler. responsibility catch exceptions program didn't catch, , it.

public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception {     thread.setdefaultuncaughtexceptionhandler((thread, thr) -> thr.printstacktrace());     throw new ioexception("something went wrong"); } 

setdefaultuncaughtexceptionhandler method register handler invoked when exception has been thrown in thread , wasn't caught. above code print stacktrace of throwable handled.

the handler takes argument thread exception happened , throwable thrown.

you can have handler per thread using setuncaughtexceptionhandler on thread instance. handler handle uncaught exceptions thrown thread.


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