jquery - javascript image map resizing issue -

i trying use dynamic resize. know javascript new @ it. getting following error: index.html:20 uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'getelementsbytagname' of null

this error line: areas = map.getelementsbytagname('area'),

thanks teemu script dynamically resizing image-maps , images

<html>  <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="pb.css">  </head>  <body>  <script>  window.onload = function () {     var imagemap = function (map) {             var n,                 areas = map.getelementsbytagname('area'),                 len = areas.length,                 coords = [],                 previouswidth = 1280;             (n = 0; n < len; n++) {                 coords[n] = areas[n].coords.split(',');             }             this.resize = function () {                 var n, m, clen,                     x = document.body.clientwidth / previouswidth;                 (n = 0; n < len; n++) {                     clen = coords[n].length;                     (m = 0; m < clen; m++) {                         coords[n][m] *= x;                     }                     areas[n].coords = coords[n].join(',');                 }                 previouswidth = document.body.clientwidth;                 return true;             };             window.onresize = this.resize;         },         imagemap = new imagemap(document.getelementbyid('planetbobmap'));     imagemap.resize();     return; }  </script>  <img src="planet bob.jpg" alt="planetbob" usemap="#planetbobmap" border="0" width="1280" height="720" /> <map name="planetbobmap">     <area shape="rect" coords="190,140,435,200" alt="skills" href="skills.jpg" target="_blank" />     <area shape="rect" coords="890,140,1250,200" alt="projects" href="projects.jpg" target="_blank" />     <area shape="rect" coords="50,460,440,525" alt="schooling" href="schooling.jpg" target="_blank" />     <area shape="rect" coords="900,460,1230,525" alt="contact" href="contact.jpg" target="_blank" />     <area shape="circle" coords="652,352,162" alt="resume" href="robert j norton resume.pdf" target="_blank" /> </map>  </body>  </html> 

the first problem see is, can not access map element using document.getelementbyid('planetbobmap')

since in map element attribute id not defined.

try html change.

<map id = "planetbobmap" name="planetbobmap"> 


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