javascript - Syntax Error: Token '21' is an unexpected token at column 12 of the expression [2013-08-28 21:10:14] starting at [21:10:14] -

i'm building simple directive date countdown. i'm stuck on error

syntax error: token '21' unexpected token @ column 12 of expression [2013-08-28 21:10:14] starting @ [21:10:14] 

really don't have clue ho make work

here example on jsfiddle

here coffee script since in javascript it's code :(

.directive "timer", ["$compile", ($compile) ->   restrict: "e"   replace: false   scope:    endtimeattr: "=endtime"    controller: ($scope, $element) ->    _second = 1000    _minute = _second * 60    _hour = _minute * 60    _day = _hour * 24    timer = undefined    showremaining = ->      = new date()      distance = end -      if distance < 0        clearinterval timer        setexpired "expired!"        return      $scope.days = math.floor(distance / _day)      $scope.hours = math.floor((distance % _day) / _hour)      $scope.minutes = math.floor((distance % _hour) / _minute)      $scope.seconds = math.floor((distance % _minute) / _second)    setexpired = (value) ->      content = angular.element("<div></div>").html(value).contents()      compiled = $compile(content)      element.html ""      element.append content      compiled scope      end = new date($scope.endtime)    timer = setinterval(showremaining, 1000)  ] 

you need pass data using model variable not string.

for other issue, please have @ comments:

<div ng-init="testapp" ng-controller="ctrl">     <timer end-time="t">{{hours}} hours, {{minutes}} minutes, {{seconds}} seconds</timer> </div>  app = angular.module('testapp', []) app.directive('timer', ['$compile', function ($compile) {     return {         restrict: 'e',         replace: false,         scope: {             endtimeattr: '=endtime'         },         controller: function ($scope, $element) {              var end = new date($scope.endtimeattr); //use endtimeattr instead of endtime              var _second = 1000;             var _minute = _second * 60;             var _hour = _minute * 60;             var _day = _hour * 24;             var timer;              function showremaining() {                 var = new date();                 var distance = end - now;                 if (distance < 0) {                     clearinterval(timer);                     setexpired('expired!');                     return;                 }                 $scope.days = math.floor(distance / _day);                 $scope.hours = math.floor((distance % _day) / _hour);                 $scope.minutes = math.floor((distance % _hour) / _minute);                 $scope.seconds = math.floor((distance % _minute) / _second);                  $scope.$apply(); // need refresh ui calling $digest             }              function setexpired(valur) {                 var content = angular.element('<div></div>').html(value).contents();                 var compiled = $compile(content);                 element.html('');                 element.append(content);                 compiled(scope)             }              timer = setinterval(showremaining, 1000); //doesn't digest need code $scope.$apply(); above. $timeout does, one-time only. unfortunately, there no corresponding $interval in angularjs.          }     }; }]);  function ctrl($scope){     $scope.t = "2013-08-28 21:10:14"; } 

working demo


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