c++ - why my main function couldn't return at last? -

i build win32 console application program, here source code:

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <string>  using namespace std;  struct cpassenger {     string name;     string id;     string seat; };  struct cflight {     string flnum;     string destination;     int amount;     int booking;     string departuretime;     string falltime;      vector<cpassenger> list; };  class cflightsystem { public:     cflightsystem();     ~cflightsystem(); private:     vector<cflight> flight; };  cflightsystem::cflightsystem() {     ifstream infile("flight.txt");      if(!infile)     {         cerr<<"no input file!"<<endl;         exit(1);     }     while(!infile.eof())     {         cflight plane;         infile>>plane.flnum>>plane.destination               >>plane.amount>>plane.booking               >>plane.departuretime>>plane.falltime;         for(int i=0;i!=plane.booking;++i)         {             cpassenger tmp;             infile>>tmp.name>>tmp.id>>tmp.seat;             plane.list.push_back(tmp);         }         flight.push_back(plane);     }      infile.close(); }  cflightsystem::~cflightsystem() {     ofstream outfile("flight.txt");      if(!outfile)     {         cerr<<"no output file!"<<endl;         exit(1);     }     for(vector<cflight>::iterator iter=flight.begin();                                   iter!=flight.end();++iter)     {         outfile<<iter->flnum<<' '<<iter->destination<<' '                <<iter->amount<<' '<<iter->booking<<' '                <<iter->departuretime<<' '<<iter->falltime<<' '                <<endl;          for(vector<cpassenger>::iterator it=(iter->list).begin();                                          it!=(iter->list).end();++it)         {             outfile<<it->name<<' '                    <<it->id<<' '                    <<it->seat<<endl;         }     }     outfile.close(); }  int main() {     cflightsystem management;     return 0; } 

when debug code , found console didn't return messege say, main function still called ? , don't know if destructor working hope..

i'm c++ freshman, , it's first time posting here... (sorry poor english..i hope can ..t.t)


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