angular - Form Validation for Dynamically added and removed form Elements -

i have form element in can add , remove value dynamically.

for example in below code domain can added , removed using adddomain , removedomain

    <div *ngfor="let item of">                     <div class="row">                         <div class="col-lg-9">                             <input type="text" class="form-control" ngcontrol="domainc"  [(ngmodel)]="[i]">                         </div>                         <div class="col-lg-3 pull-left">                             <a (click)="removedomain(i)"> <i  class="fa fa-times"></i></a>                             <a (click)="adddomain()"> <i  class="fa fa-plus"></i></a>                         </div>                     </div>                 </div> 

i need validate these on submit since added values required. working control in angular 2, unable figure out how apply validation such elements, appreciated.

plunker example

you can bind form form model

<form [ngformmodel]="form">   <div *ngfor="let item of controls let idx=index">     <div class="row">       <div class="col-lg-9">         <label>{{}}</label><input type="text" class="form-control" [ngcontrol]=""  [(ngmodel)]="values[]">         {{item.control.errors | json}}       </div>       <div class="col-lg-3 pull-left">         <div><button (click)="removedomain(i)">remove</button></div>       </div>     </div> </div>  <hr>  <div>   <label>control name</label><input #nameinput>   <label>validator</label><select #validatorinput>     <option>required</option>     <option>minlength</option>     <option>maxlength</option>   </select>   <label>length</label><input type="number" #lengthinput>   <button (click)="adddomain(nameinput.value, validatorinput.value, lengthinput.value)">add</button> </div> 

export class app {   form:controlgroup;   controls [     { name: 'name', control: new control('', validators.required) },     { name: 'password', control: new control('', validators.minlength(3))}   ];   values = {     name: '',     password: '',   }    constructor(fb:formbuilder) {     this.form =; = 'angular2 (release candidate!)' => {       console.log('map item', item);       this.form.addcontrol(, item.control);     });   }    removedomain(i) {     this.values[this.controls[i].name]=undefined;     this.form.removecontrol(this.controls[i].name);     this.controls.splice(i);     this.form.controls.foreach(c => c.updatevalueandvalidity());   }    adddomain(name, validator, length) {     this.values[name] = '';     var validator;     if(length) {       validator = validators[validator](length);     } else {       validator = validators[validator];     }      let newctl = new control('', validator);     this.controls.push({name: name, control: newctl});     this.form.addcontrol(name, newctl);     //this.controls.foreach(c => this.form.controls[].updatevalueandvalidity());   } } 


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