objective-c struct properties are released before usage -

i have struct in objective-c code >

typedef struct { __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string1; __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string2; __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string3; __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string4; __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string5; . . . __unsafe_unretained nsstring *string10;  } mystruct; 

in model class store these structs in array declared

@property (nonatomic, strong) nsmutablearray *mystructarray; 

i construct in .m file during runtime

nsmutablearray *mytemparray = [nsmutablearray array]; (nsdictionary *jsondict in jsonarray) {  mystruct stringsstruct = parsewithdictionary(jsondict);  [mytemparray addobject:[nsvalue value:&stringsstruct withobjctype:@encode(mystruct)]]; } myobject.mystructarray = mytemparray; 

the problem when try access after parsing / constructing inside objects deallocated & received error

-[cfurl length]: message sent deallocated instance  

here how access properties later way,

 mystruct mystruct;  [[myobject.mystructarray objectatindex:someindex] getvalue:&mystruct]; nslog(@"%@",mystruct.string1); // << bam! crash 

how fix ? there way make sure objects objects remain intact without deallocing until i'm done ? i'm using arc & cannot remove __unsafe_unretained hence.

you explicitly told arc out of way using __unsafe_unretained , it's way struct hold object values. doesn't come without price: pay memory management fee.

you manually have retain/release object place in structs using cfrelease/cfretain , very error prone.

let me stress point: __unsafe_unretained. name hasn't been picked randomly.

my advice is: stop using structs , turn them objects.

@interface myclass : nsobject  @property (nonatomic, copy) nsstring *string1; @property (nonatomic, copy) nsstring *string2; ... @property (nonatomic, copy) nsstring *string10;  @end 

it's better under many point of views:

  • you memory management "for free" arc
  • you can define convenience methods in class
  • it's more idiomatic objective-c wise


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