sql - Partition by using multiple case statements -

i attempting dedupe records in database using partition clause query run in order dedupe. ranks records populated , keeps highest ranked record.

   ctedupes  ( --  -- partition based on contact.owner , email     select  row_number() over(partition contactowner, email  order   -- ranking populated field     case when otherstreet not null 1 else 0 end +     case when othercity not null 1 else 0 end  ) rnd, *      scontact     (contact_owner_name__c not null , contact_owner_name__c<>'') , (email not null , email<>'') ) --rank data , place new table created select * contact_case1 ctedupes rnd=1; 

i wanted know if possible partition using case. example partitioning contactowner , email. when contactowner null want partition contactofficer instead. can create case statements or not possible since ranking altered in someway.

you can use case, think coalesce() simpler in case:

select row_number() on (partition coalesce(contactowner, contactofficer), email                           . . . 

if want contacts , officers same name counted separately, do:

select row_number() on (partition (case when contactowner null 1 else 2 end),                                        contactowner,                                        (case when contactowner null contactofficer end),                                        email                            . . . 


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