redhat - Apache 403 Forbidden error when configuring a directory outside of root directory -

i'm trying config server use directory /home/imagenesdbd , can't work, have googled lot, , made every sample found, nothing working, add following httpd.conf file

alias "/imagenesdbd" "/home/imagenesdbd" <directory "/home/imagenesdbd">     options followsymlinks     allowoverride none     order allow,deny     allow </directory> 

the directory has 0777 permission setting

permission of execution

the context of directories are

context directories

i expecting url working http://mydomain/imagenesdbd

and got following error

403 - don't have permission access /imagenesdbd/ on server.

you don't have permission access /imagenesdbd/ on server.

thanks help

the type context of /home/imagenesdbd home_root_t.

selinux allow type context httpd_sys_content_t.

you should change type of security context , can done running

$ sudo chcon -r -t httpd_sys_content_t /home/imagenesdbd 

here can found chcon manual chcon


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