Mathematica: Unusual piecewise plot issue -
hello , in advance, i came upon issue trying plot piecewise function in mathematica. when entered directly plot function, piecewise did not plot. however, when defined piecewise variable, did plot. why issue occurring , can still join plot? (i join setting exclusions none) the following code: (i define maxwell strain function , trying model plastic deformation of polymer on multiple stress cycles) z = 2*10^10; h = 10^12; maxwellstrain[s_, t_] := s/z + (s*t)/h; stress = {0, 10^7, -10^7, 5*10^6, 10^7, -5*10^6}; time = {0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500}; strainlist = join[{0}, table[maxwellstrain[stress[[i + 1]], t - time[[i]]], {i, 1, 5}]]; plot[ piecewise[ table[{ total[strainlist[[1 ;; + 1]]], time[[i]] < t < time[[i + 1]]}, {i, 1, 5} ], exclusions -> none] , {t, 0, 500} ] x = piecewise[ table[{ total[strainlist[[1 ;; + 1]]], time[[i]] < t < time[[i + 1]]}, {i, 1, 5} ], exclusions -> none] plot[x, {t, 0, 500}] the fol...